The LGBT please request to Jokowi

The LGBT please request to Jokowi

LGBTIQ community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning) feel uneasy with the growing opinion in the community lately. The opinions were formed from the statements of a number of state officials.
Therefore, the community asked for the president Jokowi's police chief ordered to give security and protection to every person and LGBTIQ organization in Indonesia. This request is associated with sweeping, forced evictions, and violence and discrimination against LGBTIQ in some areas lately.
"Guarantee the safety and protection of the President to instruct the Chief of Police as a form of protection to every citizen of Indonesia," said Chairman of Arus Pelangi, Yuli Rustinawati a news conference at YLBHI Office, Jakarta, Wednesday, January 27, 2016.
Moreover, Yuli also asked Jokowi as Head of State to take serious efforts to respect and fulfill the human rights of citizens in which there LGBTIQ people. Both at national and local levels, in line with a variety of instruments as well as existing human rights mechanisms and has been ratified by Indonesia.
Yuli also asked Jokowi to ban and ordered the halt of all acts of discrimination and violence in any form that is based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, carried out by various parties. Both officials, community organizations, and individuals.
"Among such sweeping and forced evictions for the individual and LGBTIQ organization in Indonesia," said Yuli.
Yuli said the statement from a number of state officials about LGBTIQ in Indonesia is considered negative and slanted. Even the statements could be considered a form of discrimination against citizens. Yuli said, all discriminatory statement is contrary to the constitutional Indonesia, namely the 1945 Constitution particular Article 28, first paragraph 2, which regulates the guarantee of protection for all Indonesian citizens from discriminatory treatment on any basis."The statement is a form of discriminatory treatment degrading human dignity and is an LGBTIQ groups hate propaganda potentially incites violence against LGBTIQ groups in Indonesia," said Yuli.
Yuli said that statement constitutes a serious violation of the principle of respect for human rights set out in Article 28 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution G Recalling the statements it makes the LGBTIQ community in Indonesia has been politicized by the many opinions about this community.
Of course, he said that the increasing number of opinion caused a higher potential of violence, stigma and discrimination experienced by the LGBTIQ community in Indonesia.
"Opinion appeared so much. From civil society, academia, until the state officials, "said Yuli.
State Official Statement
Some state officials issued a statement about the LGBTIQ community. Starting from the ministers, members of Parliament and Chairman of the Assembly.
Among them Minister of Research and Technology High Pendidian M Nasir stating LGBTIQ groups should not be allowed in the campus. According to Nasir, the group could damage the morale of the nation and the campus as a moral guardian. Campus should be able to maintain the true values ​​of morality and noble values ​​of the nation of Indonesia.
Minister of Education and Culture Anies Baswedan also issued a similar opinion. Anies said deviant behavior such as LGBTIQ among adolescents should be a concern of parents and teachers.
According Anies, they must realize the importance of the values ​​that are held in education, such as religious values, Pancasila, and culture. To keep from LGBTIQ, parents and teachers should be aware of the value that must be taught, nurtured, and developed early on.
Members of Commission X Reni Marlinawati PPP also confirmed, this LGBTIQ practices in addition to violating religious norms is also contrary to positive law. Reni stated, firmly reject and oppose this practice.
MPR chairman Zulkifli Hasan also not behind. He said, LGBTIQ this is a new phenomenon that is not in accordance with Indonesian culture. The community therefore should be banned.