Gay Riau

Gay Infonesia - Gay Riau. The rise of information related to Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in Indonesia, made many people fret, including among Riau DPRD members. Because in Riau today is also allegedly there are already LGBT, so according to the legislature there should be a legal umbrella to prevent the development of LGBT in Riau.

Riau DPRD member from the PKB faction, Yusuf Sikumbang said the LGBT people are clearly contrary to the norms that exist, especially religious norms. Not only Islam, but also other religions that exist in Indonesia.

"When speaking LGBT, there are no human rights languages ​​anymore. That is a deviation, the government must be firm to combat it. If necessary in Riau should be made legal umbrella in the form of local regulations to anticipate and provide a strict ban on this LGBT, "he said.

Furthermore, said member of Commission I DPRD Riau, besides the regional regulation must also be strengthened by the Law made by the central government together with the House of Representatives. Because if only rely on local regulations, then there are still limitations in law enforcement. Unlike the case if there is a law that can crack down on the LGBT.

"If the most sanctioned regulation is only six months or a fine. But if the law can be directed to the criminal realm, so the generation of our nation is not damaged by things like that, "he said.

Apart from the government, Yusuf also asks all elements to be able to equally make efforts to prevent the development of LGBT especially in Riau. Religious leaders and community leaders were also asked to play a role in preventing Riau's young generation from being contaminated by such deviant behavior.

"They are LGBT people are immoral and ethical again, so all parties must jointly prevent it. Indeed there are some countries that justify the LGBT relationship, but not in Indonesia because our culture is different from foreign culture, "he concluded.