This phenomenon LGBT Comment Ahok Viewed

This phenomenon LGBT Comment Ahok Viewed

Lately, people get excited about the movement of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) in the country. Their behavior violated the norms that exist for this.

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok also spoke about the phenomenon of LGBT. He was silent for a moment when it was about to comment on that.

"What is clear from the time of the prophet always has been, from the story of Abraham and Lot were so," said Ahok at City Hall, Jakarta, Tuesday (26/01/2016).

According Ahok, hard prohibit LGBT movement similar to circulate. Because, basically there is no religion that legalized such movements, just as adultery and corruption.

"So I think how do I straighten them lah. It's hard, the days of this world getting more and more awesome. After a long time people increasingly do not believe God. So we still believe in God, we should also not able to judge them, "she said.

"Now who's baseball ever make the wrong? What is important for us not to place HIV / AIDS, because it goes something like this. Because among them are also many once found like this. For us it is to prevent it, "said Ahok.

Currently, the city government together with the Provincial AIDS Commission (KPAP) Jakarta already have the data of the LGBT community. Steps to prevent disease transmission continues to be done.

"KPAP existing data already know why. Instead we are working with several parties to the matter of HIV / AIDS, "concluded Ahok.