Title ~ Hard Time (Responsible Adult #2)
Author ~ C F White
Publisher ~ Pride Publishing
Published ~ 5th September 2017
Genre ~ Contemporary M/M Romance
Read more »Love isn't always responsible.
After Micky O’Neill is remanded in custody for breaching his court order, his already tempestuous relationship with Dan Peters is tested to the limits.
Having to battle their way through a court case that could end with Micky in jail, social workers breaking up the family home and the return of Micky’s deadbeat father, it seems everything is set to destroy their relationship before it even has the chance to start.
With such high stakes involved, not just for Micky but for once-burned, twice-shy Dan, they both have to learn that falling in love isn’t always responsible.
Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of physical altercations; references to suicide of a parent; references to spousal abuse; references to parental violence to child and parental neglect; abandonment; estrangement.
Publisher's Note: This book is the second in the Responsible Adult serial and is best read in order, following Misdemeanor.