LGBT Bearing the Cross Alone

LGBT Bearing the Cross Alone

by Ernest Prakasa
When elementary school, I had a friend. His name was Daniel.
Daniel is a tad different. When we hit a fever Street Fighter and play-fighting beranteman during breaks, when I and my friends were busy being Ken, Ryu or Blanka, Daniel preferred to rotate the body and pretend to turn into Wonder Woman. Daniel gestures are so graceful, just women in general.
When junior high school, I had a friend of another. His name is Richard.
Richard never wanted to play basketball or football with us. He was more excited laugh-ketiwi flirtatious daughters together. While children another man wants to be called "cute" or "cool", Richard happier labeled "pretty".
I was a Christian by birth, and according to the teachings of my religion homosexuality is something that is absolutely wrong. In fact in advance, I tend antipathy toward friends gay / lesbian.
Until one day, I came to a church event. In the church, there was something for me clumsy. Unlike the church in general where the gay / lesbian taboo and marginalized, there in fact I see some men pengerjanya that of gesturnya looks very kemayu. I also asked the pastor there, why he was so open. And the answer he was the one who forever changed my perception patterns.
"Yes, so you know. Rather than hostile and stay away, do not we should embrace them? ", He replied wisely. "Yes, but it was clear the sin, sir?" I asked again. She smiled bravely, implying his experience asked the same questions hundreds or maybe thousands of times. "Yes, indeed homosexuality was a sin. But other sins right too much? Why we can not look upon sin proportionally? Why homosexuality should be more despicable? ".
He then offered me a passage in the New Testament, precisely in 1 Corinthians 6: 9b-10.
"(9B) Do not be deceived; Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, homosexuals (gay-ed), (10) thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers and swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. "
In this verse, the Apostle Paul did not say "especially homosexuals ya know, it's the most alarming". Adulterers, drunkards, slanderers, even miser, referred to as those who will not go to heaven.
I myself was also a sinner. I suspect, some friends of gay / lesbian was also aware that homosexuality is a sin. Let it be a cross that they bear. I feel quite know myself that I was a sinner unworthy to judge the sins of others.
So, whether I think homosexuality is a sin? Obviously yes.
Then if I necessarily consider them more despicable? Obviously not.
For me, pointing despicable person because he is gay is like a foolish laugh at others who splattered with mud, while they wallow in the same pool.
May God forgive us all.