The contents of Circular Police to act Insulting and Inciting

The contents of Circular Police to act Insulting and Inciting

Citizens now can not arbitrarily denounce or incites another person or group at will. This is because the National Police Chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti has issued Circular (SE) Police to handle the speech of hatred (hate speech) is.
Circular Letter No. hate speech air-SE / 06 / X / 2015 was signed on October 8, 2015 ago and has been sent to the Head of Regional Unit (Kasatwil) throughout Indonesia.
SE on the copy received from the Division of Development and Law (Divbinkum) Police, mentioned the issue of hate speech is increasingly gaining public attention either nationally or internationally with increasing concern for the protection of human rights (HAM).
Shapes, and Media Aspects of Hate Speech
At No. 2 letter (f) SE mentioned, the speech of hatred can be a criminal offense set out in the Code of Penal (Penal Code) and other penal provisions outside the Penal Code, which is the form of:1. Humiliation.2. Defamation.3. Sacrilege.4. Deeds not pleasant.5. Provoke.6. Inciting.7. Spreading false news and all the above measures have the purpose or could have an impact on discrimination, violence, disappearances lives, and or social conflict.
Furthermore, the letter (g) is mentioned, hatred speech referred to above, aims to incite and incitement of hatred against individuals or groups of people, in various communities as distinguished from the aspects of:1. Spare.2. Religion.3. Flow religious.4. Confidence or trust.5. Race.6. intergroup.7. The color of the skin.8. Ethnic.9. Gender.10. People with disabilities.11. Sexual orientation.
In the letter (h) mentioned, the speech of hatred as mentioned above can be done through various media, among others:1. In a campaign speech.2. Banner or banner.3. social media networks.4. Submission of public opinion (demonstration).5. Lectures religious.6. The media printed or electronic.7. Pamphlet.
In the letter (i) mentioned, with attention to understanding the speech of hatred above, the act of speech resentment if not dealt with effectively, efficiently, and in accordance with the provisions of the legislation, the potential to cause social conflicts are widespread, and potentially lead to acts of discrimination, violence and or removal lives.
Police Procedures Handle Hate Speech
As for the number 3 SE regulates the police procedures for handling the case which is based on hate speech in order not to give rise to discrimination, violence, or the removal of lives and widespread social conflicts.
First, any police personnel are expected to have an understanding of knowledge about the forms of hatred.
Second, the police personnel are expected to be more responsive or sensitive to the symptoms in people who are potentially a criminal offense.
Third, any police personnel conducting the analysis or assessment of the situation and the conditions in the environment. Particularly with regard to acts of hate speech.
Fourth, every police personnel to report to the chairman of each of the situations and conditions in the environment, particularly with regard to acts of hate speech.
If found acts that could potentially lead to criminal acts of hate speech, then every member of the Police shall take action.
The action was among others to monitor and detect early onset of seeds of dissension in the community, to approach the alleged conduct speech of hatred, bring together the alleged utterances of hate with the victim utterances of hate, looking for a solution for peace between the warring parties, and provide insight the impacts that will arise from the speech of hatred in society.
Lastly, if a preventive action has been carried out but did not resolve the problem, then the solution can be done through the efforts of law enforcement in accordance Criminal Code, Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions with the threat of six years in prison.
Also subject to Article 16 of Law No. 40 of 2008 on the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination, with a maximum imprisonment of five years and / or a fine of Rp 500 million.
Act No. 7 of 2012 on Social Conflict Management, and Police Chief Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 Year 2013 on Technical Management of Social Conflict. This rule is effective as a Circular Letter was signed.
Head of the Criminal Investigation Commissioner General Anang Iskandar said, is ready to implement the new rules. "Yes, we do have a cyber, cyber Sub-Directorate. Can reach across Indonesia, so we deliver it, "said Sam, Monday (11/02/2015).