GAY INFONESIA - Police: Daniel Search Couples Homosexual Through Gay Applications. RS aka Daniel (21) was arrested by police along with his gay partner, M aka U (31) for performing immoral acts and his video was spread out in social media. Both of them know each other through the application Hornet.
"They know each other in social media," said Depok Chief Pol Kombes Didik Sugiarto told reporters at Mapolresta Depok, Jl Margonda Raya, Depok City, Sunday (21/1/2018).
Separately, Putu Kholis Aryana, deputy police officer of Putra Kholis Aryana, said the two suspects knew each other in the social network of gay network, Hornet. The suspect denied having a special LGBT group.
"According to the actor's confession he was not affiliated with certain LGBT communities but to search for the perpetrator's partner using the social media application Hornet," explained Kholis.
"According to the actor's confession he was not affiliated with certain LGBT communities but to search for the perpetrator's partner using the social media application Hornet," explained Kholis.

While suspected Daniel allegedly promoting sex services for his special homosexuals through Twitter account @prassongsup. There, he put up a phone number to call for reservations.
"They then made an appointment at the gym, the place where the suspect M worked," added Kholis.
While Kanit Police Crimsus Depok AKP Firdaus reveals, suspect Daniel allegedly doing prostitution by promoting himself in social media. Even on his Twitter account a lot of video scenes of same-sex relationship he uploaded.
"He charges between three hundred thousand rupiahs to seven hundred thousand rupiah," said Firdaus.
Daniel was arrested by police with his gay partner, M, after his second video was scattered on social media. The pornographic scene was recorded through Daniel's mobile phone suspect, at a gym in Pancoranmas area, Depok on June 21, 2017 ago.